Musketeer category competitors

Musketeer category competitors

2017 WBMC Results

Checkout each competitors ranking for all 27 categories.

2017 Categories

With the largest category list of any Worlds that's been put on we needed a whole page to explain all 27 do's and don'ts. 

Creative Moustache category

Creative Moustache category

Official Competitor Portraits

A big thanks to our Official Photography for Worlds. Joe Gladski of Joe Friendly Photography. All backstage competitor portraits can be download from our flickr.

Official Competitor Gifs

Animated gifs that were made moments before each comptitor walked on stage. The rotating headshots we seen during the livestream. These are now avliable on giphy for download and sharing. 


Event Details

Take a look back at the event details. Everything from charities, sponsors, schedule for all 3 days. 


Take a look back at the frequently asked questions we received during Worlds.